Friday, October 08, 2004

Just some beginning thoughts

My BFA project involves photographing public parks. I just came up with this idea, and haven't really set any concrete opinions or views about parks, and what I want to say about them in my photography. But, here are some ideas I have floating around in my head:

1. Photographing them with the stance that they are "synthetic forests," although it has been brought to my attention that that term can connote a negative view or attitude towards the park--something I don't really want to portray. Perhaps in the term synthetic forest, I mean to say an artificial reinvention of nature, but I'm not sure if that phrase also connotes a negative or cynical view.

2. The park is a positive/necessary plot in the cityscape and in our society. It is a place where people can enjoy a more convenient nature.

3. Showing the "wild" or "untamed" part of public parks; i.e. places in the park where the the trees, shrubs, grass, and any other vegetation has been left alone, and not trimmed and manicured like in the rest of the park. The whole project doesn't necessarily have to be exclusively about this idea, but could be a major/important part of it.